Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Zuma Dogg + Dennis Zine = B.F.F. ?

Are City Council activist Zuma Dogg and Council Member Dennis Zine best friends forever?? One would certainly start to think so after some recent events at City Hall.

I was at City Council on Wednesday, April 8th for what seemed like an eternity as the Council meeting went for almost four hours. Near the end, as Council Members were getting restless to get out of City Hall, Zuma Dogg had a comment card filled out for discussion of special event fees. He started getting off topic and talking about the LACERS issue and various other things. The City Attorney interjected and Councilman Zine started to warn Zuma he was off topic. Zine eventually cut Zuma off.

"You're finished Mr. Dogg...you're done!" Zine said.

Zuma got hot about that and shouted out "Civil lawsuit on Dennis Zine!!"

But don't listen to me...you can see it here.. 3hrs 38min...


Later on, I went to lunch at Sbarros with Zuma Dogg , and who should show up by total coincidence? Zine.

Zuma proceeded to kind of chew Zines ear off about various things, but eventually they both calmed down and started talking about other things. Say what you want about Zuma Dogg, he has an uncanny knack for getting officials to give up and disclose information to him. I thinks he just wears them out.... I've seen Zuma chase people down hallways, into elevators, across parking lots...etc...etc...

Here's a video of Zuma and Zine in happier times....

Later that afternoon, we ran into Paul Koretz, who is in a hot contest for the CD 5 seat. Zuma asked Koretz a bunch of questions and I was kind of surprised at some of the answers. Koretz seemed overly confident about winning his runoff election in May against David Vahedi. Koretz said "All my opponents who lost in the primary are getting behind me".

Oh...really? I thought about it and I wondered how legitimate that statement was.

Koretz went on to say "It might not even be that close". A bit arrogant, I thought...but who knows?

Later at home I checked out Koretz's website. http://paulkoretz.com/

I saw he had listed his endorsements from other political figures.

Among them? Ed Reyes and Jan Perry.

Yep, that's all I needed to know.

I emailed David Vahedi and told him he has my endorsement and my support.