Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Memo to Wendy Greuel: I tried to warn you!!

Here is a stellar tidbit of advice from me to Wendy Greuel from my blog post on June 13th, 2012.

(Memo to Wendy Greuel: You need to dump Shallman, too. You will not be lucky enough to run against Nick and Suzy in 2013. You will face heavy hitters like Eric Garcetti and maybe Zev Yaroslavsky. Shallman will bankrupt you, and make sure that you lose)

And here is consultant John Shallmans latest idiotic maneuver on her behalf.

From The LA Weekly....

"Wendy would never have accepted Kevin James' endorsement without his unqualified apology for his racist and insensitive remarks," Shallman said.

There you go.

Call the third place finisher in the Mayoral Primary a racist.

What could possibly go wrong?