Monday, December 20, 2010

Inaugural Celebration for Governor Perry

I was a financial donor to the campaign of Governor Rick Perry in his effort to be re-elected Governor of Texas.
I have been a very vocal proponent of Governor Perry running for President in 2012.
I believe that he offers the nation something crucial that Barack Obama doesn't.
Governor Perry has a ten year record as a chief executive with positive financial results.
Perry has helped Texas become the number one job-creator in America. More businesses move to Texas than anywhere else, due to their positive business climate and lack of restrictive, job-killing government regulations.

Governor Perry could make a convincing argument to voters in 2012. Voters who will have suffered under the incompetence of Barack Obama, a man who had never successfully led anything in his life.

I was happy to receive my invitation in the mail to his Inaugural Celebration.

Hopefully, he'll have an even bigger one in January of 2013.