Friday, February 25, 2011

Endorsement: Rudy Martinez for Los Angeles City Council

I have to be honest about one thing: I don't really know Rudy Martinez that well.
I haven't had time to research his issues or to know everything about him.
I did catch about ten minutes of him on his TV show "Flip This House" and he seemed like a responsible businessman who understands that you cannot spend more than you take in.

My main reason for endorsing Rudy Martinez is that Jose Huizar has become an embarrassment to the 14th District. Huizars recent revelations about his Nixonian "enemies list" made it clear that he is a self-centered egomaniacal politician who only cares about himself. Any community member who found their name on that list can be sure that they would not receive fair attention or efforts from Huizar or his staff.

Selective constituent services was what this mafioso-style thug was into.
He also appears to have embezzled City money to pay sky-high salaries to his staff members.

The voters there need a clean break from this dirty past with Jose Huizar in CD 14.

Rudy Martinez would be the fresh start that CD 14 needs.

I endorse him and encourage others to vote for him this March 8th.